Monday, November 29, 2010

Tree Festival

I want to show you some pretties from our local charity Christmas Tree Festival. My favorite is the wreath on the pink door. It had me with just the pink door!  I hope this is a bit of inspiration for you as you start your Christmas decorating.


Connie said...

Karen, those are beautiful, honey, just beautiful.

Miss Rhea said...

Oooh, it is so pretty !!! I would love to go looking at trees with you :) How fun would that be ? I hope you share John's Gingerbread creation this year :) Hugs :) :) said...

so very pretty! Rachaelxo

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

How very pretty, Karen! I'm with you, I just LOVE that pink door!

Has hubby made a new gingerbread house this year?!?! Post soon if he has, as everyone would love to see!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Bertie said...

Love that wreath, too. AND the pink tree! Can't wait to see YOUR Christmas decorating!

Aunt May's Cottage
Shades of Old

Shirl said...

Hello Karen, very pretty trees! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a Happy and Blessed New Year!
Shirls Rose Cottage